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84. Roy Hollaway Org. Usa. Prim. Rockabilly * 2x Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:48
750 SEK
0 bud
83. Dolly parton Org. Usa. Country * Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:48
135 SEK
2 bud
82. Jack Adams Org. Usa. Country * Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:47
150 SEK
1 bud
81. Jordan and the Fascinations Org. Usa. Teen * 2x Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:46
200 SEK
0 bud
80. Hugh T. and Johnny Org. Usa. Teen * 2x Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:45
150 SEK
0 bud
79. Jerry Adams Org. Usa. Rocker * 2x Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:45
1 000 SEK
0 bud
78. Jean Chapel Org. Usa. Rock n Roll * Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:44
125 SEK
0 bud
77. Lulu Reed Org. Usa. RnB * Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:43
65 SEK
0 bud
76. Carmine Poppiti and the Larks Org. Usa. Dreamy Doo Wop * Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:43
125 SEK
0 bud
75. Bee Bee Carn Org. Usa. Teen * Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:42
300 SEK
0 bud
74. Clarence Henry Org. Usa. Svaret på " ain´t got no home" * 2x Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:41
125 SEK
0 bud
73. Dave Edge Org. Usa. Rocker / Country * 2x Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:41
550 SEK
0 bud
72. Maylon DeWitt Org. Usa. Teen * Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:40
350 SEK
0 bud
71. Merle Kilgore Org. Usa. Rocker * Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:39
300 SEK
0 bud
70. Quin Tones Org. Usa. Dreamy Doo Wop * Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:39
150 SEK
0 bud
69. Dick D´Agostin Org. Usa. Teen * Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:38
160 SEK
3 bud
68. Chimes Org. Usa. Teen * Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:37
55 SEK
0 bud
67. Capri Sisters Org. Usa. Girl Group * Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:37
40 SEK
0 bud
66. Elmore James Org. Usa. Blues * Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:36
65 SEK
0 bud
65. Tobin Matthews Org. Usa. Teen Rocker * Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:35
250 SEK
1 bud
64. Thirteenth Floor Elevators Org. Usa. Garage * 2xLyssna *
26 nov. 19:35
120 SEK
5 bud
63. Andy Rose Org. Usa. Teen RnR * Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:34
40 SEK
0 bud
62. Detergents Org. Usa. Teen * Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:33
40 SEK
0 bud
61. Roy Orbison Org. Usa. Teen * 2x Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:33
45 SEK
2 bud
60. Johnny Preston Org. Usa. Rock n Roll * Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:32
30 SEK
1 bud
59. Bill McCormack Org. Usa. Country * Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:31
65 SEK
0 bud
58. Sonny Lowery Org. Usa. Teen Rocker * Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:30
125 SEK
0 bud
57. Shane Fenton Org. Usa. Teen * Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:30
65 SEK
0 bud
56. Ricky Valance Org. Uk. Teen * 2x Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:29
30 SEK
0 bud
55. Marty Wilde Org. Uk. Teen * Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:28
20 SEK
0 bud
54. Orval Prophet Org. Can. Country * Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:28
150 SEK
1 bud
53. Chuck Berry Org. Can. Rock n Roll * 2x Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:27
82 SEK
3 bud
52. Chuck Berry Org. Can. Rock n Roll * Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:26
125 SEK
1 bud
51. Ronnie Gill Org. Usa Rocker * Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:26
650 SEK
0 bud
50. Bobby Griggs Org. Usa Country * 2x Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:25
125 SEK
0 bud
49. Conway Twitty Org. Usa Rocker * Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:24
75 SEK
1 bud
48. Bobby Freeman Org. Usa Teen * 2x Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:24
65 SEK
0 bud
47. Majors Org. Usa Doo Wop * Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:23
135 SEK
2 bud
46. Rod Bernard Org. Usa Rock n Roll * Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:22
45 SEK
3 bud
45. Wilbert Harrison Org. Usa RnB * Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:22
60 SEK
1 bud
44. Ray Stevens Org. Usa Rocker * Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:21
40 SEK
0 bud
43. Tommy Boyer Org. Usa Prim. Rocker * Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:20
1 500 SEK
0 bud
42. June Scott Org. Usa Teen * Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:20
45 SEK
0 bud
41. Chaperones Org. Usa Teen Doo Wop * 2x Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:19
65 SEK
0 bud
40. Mellokings Org. Usa Doo Wop * Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:18
75 SEK
0 bud
39. Teddy Randazzo Org. Usa Rocker * Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:17
75 SEK
0 bud
38. Ritchie Adams Org. Usa Teen * 2x Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:17
125 SEK
0 bud
37. Titus Turner Org. Usa RnB * Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:16
45 SEK
0 bud
36. Blackie Starks Org. Usa Rocker * Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:15
1 000 SEK
0 bud
35. Pat Zill Org. Usa Country * Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:15
150 SEK
1 bud
34. Gene Summers Org. Usa Rocker * 2x Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:14
365 SEK
2 bud
33. Gene Summers Org. Usa Rocker * Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:13
215 SEK
2 bud
32. Joe Melson Org. Usa Teen * Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:13
200 SEK
1 bud
31. Leon McAuliff Org. Usa Country * Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:12
50 SEK
0 bud
30. Chuck Roberts Org. Usa Teen * Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:11
40 SEK
0 bud
29. Frank Gari Org. Usa Teen * Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:11
65 SEK
0 bud
28. Billy Rich Org. Usa Rock n Roll * Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:10
55 SEK
0 bud
27. Larry Williams Org. Usa Rock n Roll * 2x Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:09
65 SEK
0 bud
26. Kenny Chandler Org. Usa Teen * Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:09
65 SEK
0 bud
25. Kimball Coburn Org. Usa Rock n Roll * Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:08
125 SEK
0 bud
24. Jill Corey Org. Usa Rocker / Teen * 2x Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:07
25 SEK
0 bud
23. Legends Org. Usa Rocker / Teen * 2x Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:07
65 SEK
1 bud
22. Judy Lynn Org. Usa Teen * Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:06
45 SEK
0 bud
21. Love Society Org. Usa Teen / Gagare * 2x Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:05
75 SEK
0 bud
20. Larry Taylor Org. Usa Country * Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:04
35 SEK
0 bud
19. Frank Gari Org. Usa Teen * Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:04
55 SEK
4 bud
18. Duponts Org. Usa DooWop / Group RnR * 2x Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:03
45 SEK
0 bud
17. Michael Allen Org. Usa Teen * Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:02
75 SEK
0 bud
16. Tommy Collins Org. Usa Country * Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:02
45 SEK
0 bud
15. Largos Org. Usa Blues / RnB * 2x Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:01
45 SEK
0 bud
14. Richie Knight Org. Usa Rock n Roll * 2x Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:00
50 SEK
0 bud
13. Dean Jones Org. Usa Rock n Roll * 2x Lyssna *
26 nov. 19:00
50 SEK
0 bud
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